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2019 Black Friday and Holiday Sale and News!

Greetings, everyone!

Just a quick note to let you know most of our sample sets (everything except the Wangerin instruments and the FBR Schantz) are on sale for 20% off starting on Black Friday – November 29th, 2019. Use the code BF2019 at checkout to apply the discount. EDIT: There were issues with our shopping cart, so we’ve returned to the former PayPal method, new prices are implemented without a code.

A few things to note – at this time there are no plans to sell the Covenant Presbyterian Aeolian-Skinner or the Concordia University Irvine Casavant for HW5, and sometime after the sale period they will be removed from the site – if you want either of those, get ’em now! (and only for HW 4.21). Also, after a run of nearly 16 years, the venerable FBR Schantz will join the ranks of retired products as well.

Secondly, our future releases will be for HW-5 only (except for any which might not use the encryption), as we will not be able to get new license updates for HW 4.21 after 4 months, so there is no reason to expend the extra effort to develop for two HW versions in that case.

Thirdly, at this time we are evaluating whether or not to sell the Christ Cathedral Aeolian-Skinner and the St. Mark’s Skinner for HW-5 and have not made that decision yet, although we will before the end of the sale period. Please LET US KNOW if you are interested in purchasing either of these sets for HW-5, it will help us decide.

Finally, for all customers who have purchased encrypted sets for HW4.x in the past, all of our sets have been re-encrypted for HW-V, and will be available for download HERE, regardless of future plans.

We have some exciting new sets in progress, as well as further tweaking of the former CLR sets still to come, we look forward to continuting our support of Hauptwerk and this community.

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Redlands Casavant Demo | Updated and improved!

We are pleased to announce the release of the updated and improved version of the Redlands Casavant Demo sample set for Hauptwerk.

We have done revisions on the samples, including:

  • Checking all loops, fixing any loop errors
  • Reapplying noise reduction using new techniques, resulting in superior sample audio quality and reduced download and sample set size
  • Evaluating all attacks and releases, and fixing errors that were found

We think you will find that the revised samples will be a pleasing experience, you are invited to download  the Demo set and hear the difference.

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New Release – Preludes and Fugues in Am and Cmaj

We’re proud to announce the final volume of Henry martin’s 24 Preludes and Fugues for organ!  If you’ve been following this series, you’ll know that even though this is the final volume, there are still yet several others to be released – the release dates depend on when the pieces have been premiered.

To order a printed copy of this volume for $19.99, go HERE