Music of Henry Martin

Henry martinI first heard of Henry Martin on a bulletin board about music, back in 2007. The poster was singing the praises of his 24 Preludes and Fugues for piano, a sort of modern-day homage to J.S. Bach, sporting a unique fusion of Jazz with baroque forms.  After buying the 2 CDs and subsequently falling in love with the music, I wrote to Henry to compliment him (and offhandedly ask whether he had ever considered writing for the organ!)  To my surprise, he replied that he had just been asked by Michael Barone to write another set of 24 Preludes and Fugues, this time for the organ.  He asked if I would be interested in getting them published, and the rest, (as they say) is history.  With each succeeding piece, I sense Henry’s growth as a composer, and his increasing familiarity and comfort writing for the organ.  I am biased, I admit, but this is great music.  It isn’t easy to play, but it is very rewarding… do yourself a favor and give it a go – you won’t be sorry.

For more information about Henry Martin, have a look HERE.

Preludes and Fugues #13 and 14 available HERE

Preludes and Fugues #17 and 18 available HERE

Preludes and Fugues #19 and 20 available HERE

Preludes and Fugues #21 and 22 (d-minor and F-major)  available HERE

Preludes and Fugues #23 and 24 (a-minor and C-major) available HERE

The full 288-page hardback volume of Preludes and Fugues 1-12 is now available! Note that the price represents a substantial savings – to buy the first 12 pieces (in 6 volumes) would cost over $115 (plus shipping and handling!), this volume sells for $79.99

Preludes 1-12, hardback – 288 pages 

Click HERE to order now: $79

2 Preludes and Fugues #1 and 2 (G-major, E-minor) | Printed copy $19.13 | Click to order

2 Preludes and Fugues #3 and 4 (D-major, B-minor) | Printed copy $19.00 | Click to order

2 Preludes and Fugues #5 and 6 (A-major, F#-minor) | Printed copy $19.00 | Click to order

2 Preludes and Fugues #7 and 8 (E-major, C#-minor) | Printed copy $19.00 | Click to order

2 Preludes and Fugues #9 and 10 (B-major, G#-minor) | Printed copy $19.00 | Click to order









2 Preludes and Fugues (C#-major, A#-minor) | Printed copy $19.99 | Click to Order

2 thoughts on “Music of Henry Martin

  1. […] If you should wish to purchase one of the smaller volumes, go HERE […]

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